I’ve recently become interested in dual frequency GPS receivers – the kind the are used for land surveying and geodetic research. More on that in another post. But along the way I’ve collected a whole bunch of antennas for these beasts, and this post is a database for my future reference.
1. Leica AT-303 PN 10409 SN 2002
Micropulse antenna with chokerings IGS/NGS LEIAT303
2. Trimble Zephyr Geodetic PN 41249-00 SN 60120950
Zephyr 4-point feed with stealth ground plane IGS/NGS TRM41249.00
3. Ashtech 701023 (3) — L1 only
4. Trimble “MicroCentered” with groundplane 33429-00 SN 0220104612
L1/2 microcentered compact geodetic IGS/NGS TRM33429.00+GP
5. Ashtech ASH111661 SN 9101
L1/L2/L5 GNSS survey antenna 38dB gain? IGS/NGS ASH111661
6. Aero Antenna AT2775-42NTW-TNCR-000-RG-26-NM SN 502-6655
Geodetic L1/L2 IGS/NGS AERAT2775_42
7. Antcom PN 123GM1215A-XT-1 SN 41233
Private labeled; same as ACC123CGNSSA_XN?